首頁 /關於系所/教學團隊/專任教師曾韋龍


曾韋龍 特聘教授
研究領域 毛細管電泳、奈米粒子合成與應用
最高學歷 國立台灣大學化學系博士
研究室 C3007
實驗室 C3007
電話 (07)5252000 分機3925 / 07-5254644
E-mail tsengwl@mail.nsysu.edu.tw
個人網頁 https://tracebioanalysis.nicepage.io/?version=8ecd39a8-a382-40da-bee0-63f70baa7fe7&uid=53a14387-4fde-4af9-8506-b6b61da61775

Wei-Lung Tseng’s research encompasses wide areas concerned with the synthesis and application of nanoparticles in biosensors, capillary electrophoresis, surface-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry, catalysis, and extraction. Moreover, he designed a series of oligonucleotides to be used as molecular beacons and optical sensors based on non-watson crick base pairing. The work traverses areas of analytical chemistry, material chemistry, and more recently bio-analytical and environmental chemistry. He has demonstrated the practical applicability of these different types of sensors for detecting heavy metal ions, aminothiols, hydrogen peroxide, cyanide, enzyme activity, single nucleotide polymorphisms and anti-cancer drug coralyne. Dr. Tseng has authored and co-authored over 140 published articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals with more than 6200 citations. The h index of 44 after 11 years of scientific activity is a clear indication of his consistent publication productivity behavior. Some of the recent highlights of the research are as follows:

近五年的的研究涵蓋了奈米材料合成與在感測器、細胞影像與環境檢測上應用。另外研究團隊也設計了一系列基於非沃森克里克鹼基配對的寡核苷酸,可用作分子信標和光學傳感器。迄今共發表了超過130篇的國際期刊論文,引用次數為6000多次(來自谷歌學者的數據),h-index為44,FWCI為1.6,有兩篇high cited paper,分別為Analytical chemistry, 2010, 82, 6830-6837與Analytical chemistry2010, 82, 9194-9200。





Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, Associated Editor(2021-present)

Chemosensors, Review Editorial Board(2019-present)

Frontiers in Analytical Chemistry, Review Editorial Board(2013-present)








國立中山大學 研究發展處業務組組長(2007-2009)




Outstanding Reviewers for Journal of Materials Chemistry B (2018)



第十六屆 水木化學文教基金會傑出青年學者獎(2015)










近期研究的重點如下:一、螢光二維材料的合成與應用:二維材料目前在光電上的應用相當普遍。然而,很少學者探索將二維材料用作生物感測器和藥物傳遞系統。研究團隊介紹了一系列製備螢光二維材料的方法,包括(1)通過Fenton反應合成不同顏色發射的石墨烯量子點 [Part. Part. Syst. Char. 2016, 33, 132-139];(2)用surfen修飾氧化石墨烯檢測硫酸化的醣胺聚醣 [ACS Sens. 2017, 2, 748–756];(3)製備6-巰基嘌呤修飾之二硫化鉬量子點用於感測穀胱甘肽、細胞成像和藥物輸送 [Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 27, 1702452];(4)以聚二甲基二甲基氯化銨分散和剝離二硫化鎢並且作為催化劑和穀胱甘肽生物感測器 [ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2018, 1, 6808-6817];(5)製備BODIPY修飾之二硫化鉬量子點用於比例螢光感測細胞穀胱甘肽 [Anal. Chim. Acta 2020, 1113, 43-51];(6)合成分子信籤嫁接之二硫化鉬量子點應用於感測細胞內TK1 mRNA [J. Mater. Chem. B, 2020, 8, 1692-1698]。二、螢光金奈米簇的合成:金屬奈米簇已廣泛應用於不同領域,但它們仍面臨一些挑戰,包括低量子產率、易光漂白、催化效率差和有限的分析應用。為克服這些不足,我們開發了一系列策略來改善光學性質,另外也顯示其在分析化學的應用性,包含(1)鈰離子誘導金奈米簇聚集發光,用於檢測細胞內ATP [Nanoscale 10,17691-17698,2018];(2)胜肽誘導金奈米簇聚集發光,用於檢測胜肽相關的分析物;(3)合成奈米蛋白質包覆金奈米簇用於感測細胞內與酵素反應的細胞變化 [J. Mater. Chem. B. 2019, 7, 3876-3883];(4)以螢光物質修飾蛋白質並用於合成金奈米簇,發現可同時感測細胞內酸鹼值與溫度的變化 [Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 11210-11216];(5)以Fenton反應轉變金奈米簇形成金一價硫醇鹽低聚物,證實有效催化硼氫化鈉產生氫氣,可用於催化硝基化合物的加氫反應 [ChemCatChem 2020, 12, 4558-4567]。 三、奈米仿生酵素:目前文獻已顯示出許多化合物,例如蛋白質和雙鏈DNA,可有效抑制奈米仿生酵素的過氧化物酶與氧化酶活性。我們研究團隊一直致力於尋找新的化合物來增強奈米仿生酵素的催化活性,另外也透過已報導過的化合物來設計感測器。我們發表論文的例子包括(1)肝素抑制白金奈米類氧化酶活性應用於檢測人體中的肝素 [Biosens. Bioelectron. 2017, 92, 442-448];(2) 聚二甲基二甲基氯化銨修飾之金屬奈米粒子可以有效催化硝基化合物的加氫反應 [J. Hazard. Mater. 2017, 324, 420-427];(3)吸附Adenosine類似物於奈米材料表面能夠大幅提昇奈米仿生酵素的活性 [ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9, 10069-10077; ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018, 10, 37846-37854]。四、降解與移除環境污染物:奈米材料由於其表面特性與催化能力,再加上比表面積大,目前已經廣泛應用於環境污染物的檢測、移除與降解。過去研究團隊舉出一些例子證實這樣的行為,包括以氧化鈰奈米粒子水解巴拉松 [Environ. Res. 2020, 188, 109653]與以石墨氮化碳與氧化鐵奈米複合物去除水中的鉻物種與光催化還原硝基化合物 [ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 2019. 7, 6662-6671]。五、其他:免疫分析微盤結合奈米粒子感測 [Anal. Chem. 2016, 88, 5355; Biosens. Bioelectron. 2016, 77, 242-248]、c-di-AMP與c-di-GMP感測器的開發 [ACS Sens. 2016, 1, 1132-1139; Sens. Actuators. B. Chem. 2020, 312, 127960]與碳量子點和成與應用[Anal. Chem. 2017, 89, 11348-11356; J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2019, 556, 120-127]。

  1. Peer-Review Archival Journal Citations; > 6200 (as of 11/2020 from Google Scholar)
  2. Google Scholar: citation: 5746, h-index = 44, i10 = 149, i100 = 12
  3. Field-Weighted Citation Impact: 1.6
  4. Refereed Journal Publications: > 140
  5. Book Chapters: 3
  6. Refereed Conference Proceedings and Extended Abstracts: 10
  7. Journal Cover: 10
  8. Highly cited paper: 3
  9. A. S. K. Kumar, W.-B. Tseng, M.-J. Wu, Y.-Y. Huang, W.-L. Tseng, Anal. Chim. Acta 2020, 1113, 43-51.
  10. M. Madhu, T.-H. Chen and W.-L. Tseng* J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 2019, 556, 120-127.
  11. J.-G. You and W.-L. Tseng* Anal. Chim. Acta 2019, 1078, 101-111.
  12. S. Chandirasekar, J.-G. You, J.-H. Xue and W.-L. Tseng* J. Mater. Chem. B 2019, 7, 3876-3883
  13. A. S. K. Kumar, J.-G. You, W.-B. Tseng, G. D. Dwivedi, N Rajesh,* S.-J. Jiang* and W.-L. Tseng* ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 2019, 7, 6662-6671.
  14. J.-G. You, C.-Y. Lu, A S. K. Kumar and W.-L. Tseng* Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 17691-17698
  15. J.-G. You, Y.-T. Wang and W.-L. Tseng* ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018, 10, 37846–37854.
  16. T.-H. Chen and W.-L. Tseng* Anal. Chem. 2017, 89, 11348-11356
  17. S.-C Chen, C.-Y. Lin, T.-L. Cheng and W.-L. Tseng* Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 27, 1702452.
  18. Y.-C. Yang, Y.-T. Wang, W.-L. Tseng,* ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9, 10069-10077.
  19. You, J. G, Liu, Y., W., Lu, C. Y., Tseng. W. L. * and Yu, C. J. * Biosens. & Bioelectron. 2017, 92, 442-448.
  20. Yang, Y.-C. and Tseng, W.-L.* Anal. Chem. 2016, 88, 5355-5362.
  21. Lin, J.-H., Yang, Y.-C. Shih, Y. C. Hung, S.-Y. Lu, C.-Y. and Tseng, W.-L.* Biosens. & Bioelectron. 2016, 77, 242-248.
  22. Kumar, A. S. K., Jiang, S.-J.* and Tseng, W.-L.* J. Mater. A 2015, 3, 7044-7057
  23. Ke, C.-Y., Wu, Y.-T. and Tseng, W.-L.* Biosens. & Bioelectron. 2015, 69, 46-53
  24. Lee, C.-Y. and Tseng, W.-L.* Anal. Chem. 2015, 87, 5031-5035.