The Department of Chemistry covers all the main fields of chemistry so that young students have ample opportunities to study their favorite courses and fields, and focus on the cooperation between theory and practice. The department offers more than forty courses. Juniors and seniors are encouraged to take special studies and book discussions according to their personal interests. They can also join the professor’s research laboratory to engage in research work.
Moreover, every mentor leads a “family,” which lets freshmen receive warm cares from their teacher and seniors, and assistance on academic problems.
Lectures of various topics are arranged every week during the semester. We invite experts and scholars from diverse areas to present their research results so that teachers and students can assimilate the latest knowledge. During the winter and summer vacations, many well-known foreign scholars will visit our department and exchange academic experience with teachers and students. Students with excellent academic performance also have the opportunity to obtain scholarships for short-term study or research in foreign universities.
The mistaken belief that chemistry is a dangerous, polluting, and low-tech work. However, because chemists understand the properties of compounds, they can actually avoid the danger of poisoning. Recently, the new laboratory with a fume-hood exhaust system has provided a safe and clean research environment. The rapid advancement of chemical research technology has made Taiwan's future development of nanotechnology and biotechnology inseparable from chemistry.
1. Solid profession in chemistry
2. Skilled at instrumental operation and experiment
3. Fluent oral expression and speech
4. Strengthen logical thinking
5. Ability to interdisciplinary and creative aspect
6. Ability to communicate in second foreign language
7. Possess art and humanity values
8. Ability to team work
9. Life-long learning and adapt the rapid changing world
10. Understanding of future development of chemistry-related industry
11. Farsighted and international perspective
12. Understanding of ethics of science and technology
13. Take up social responsibilities