/ 5-Year Bachelor-Master Program /

Regulations for Bachelor’s Students Pursuing a Master’s Degree in Five Years

Approved at the 78th Academic Affairs Council meeting on January 15, 1999
Approved at the112th Academic AffairsCouncilmeeting on June14, 2007
Approvedat the118thAcademicAffairsCouncil meeting on December11, 2008
Approved at the 119th Academic Affairs Council meeting on March 19, 2009
Approved at the136th AcademicAffairsCouncil meeting onJune10, 2013
Approved at the 173rd Academic Affairs Council meeting on October 12, 2022

I. These regulations are formulated to encourage outstanding undergraduate students to continue their master’s degree at the University in a shorter study period.

II. Students admitted under these regulations shall be qualified as a bachelor’s candidate and a pre-graduate student for a master’s program (hereinafter referred to as "pre-graduate student").

III. During the spring semester of the junior year or the fall semester of the senior year, undergraduate students with outstanding academic performance shall be eligible to apply for studying a master’s program of a department/institute, following the stipulated date in the University calendar. The students passing the selection procedure by the department/institute shall be qualified as pre-graduate students.

Selection standards and procedures shall be determined by the individual departments/institutes and then submitted to the Academic Affairs Council for future reference.

Apart from announcing the name list of admitted pre-graduate students, individual departments/institutes shall also submit the list to the Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) for reference.

IV. Students qualified as a pre-graduate student shall finish their bachelor’s program and receive the degree within the stipulated study period (excluding the extended study period) and participate in the selection or exam for the master's program during their graduation year; they shall be formally admitted as a graduate student of the master’s program after passing the selection or exam.

V. After students are admitted into a master’s program, the credits of the graduate courses they completed during undergraduate study are transferable to their master’s program. However, those already counted into the credits for their bachelor’s graduation requirement shall no longer be applicable for transfer.

VI. The number of pre-graduate students admitted to the master’s program of individual departments/institutes shall be counted into the admission quota in the current academic year.

VII. Matters not covered herein shall be handled in accordance with the Academic Regulations and relevant regulations.

VIII. These regulations are approved by the Academic Affairs Council and the President before implementation. Amendments to these regulations shall follow the same procedure