On Saturday, December 7, the Department of Chemistry hosted its annual "Chemistry Day," warmly inviting faculty, students, alumni, retired professors, and external experts to join the celebration. This highly anticipated event, held once a year, aimed to foster academic exchange, showcase student research achievements, and strengthen connections between alumni and current students while fostering a strong sense of community within the department. The event featured a diverse array of highlights, including a poster presentation competition, alumni talks, a poster treasure hunt, and a dinner banquet.
Poster Presentation Competition—Exploring the Frontiers of Chemistry Research
One of the core activities in the morning was the Poster Presentation Competition, divided into undergraduate and graduate categories. Participating students showcased their research through posters, presenting their latest experimental findings, innovative methodologies, and potential future applications. These posters not only highlighted the academic content but also served as a platform for students to demonstrate their creative thinking and scientific communication skills.
Experts and scholars from both within and outside the university were invited to serve as judges, providing professional feedback and suggestions that greatly benefited the students. Graduate students focused on more advanced chemical theories and applied research, while undergraduates showcased their experimental designs and preliminary findings. The diverse and rich content not only highlighted individual efforts but also fostered meaningful research exchanges among participants. You-Jane WU, a senior undergraduate participant, shared: "I'm grateful for the opportunity to present the work I've been doing since my sophomore year. The feedback from the judges gave me invaluable insights and suggestions for improvement."
Alumni Sharing—Passing on Experience and Looking Ahead
Another highlight of the event was the Alumni Sharing Session, which welcomed numerous accomplished alumni and retired professors back to campus. Distinguished participants included Professor Jing-Yun WU from National Chi Nan University, Professor Sodio C. N. Hsu from Kaohsiung Medical University, Mr. Robert Hoo, Founder & President at ANATEK, and Sven Huang, Chairman of Greenfiltec, among others—a total of over 20 esteemed guests. Drawing from their extensive experience, they shared insights on trends in the field of chemistry and offered valuable career planning advice to current students.
One of the alumnus, currently an Engineering Specialist at Yee Wei Incorporation, shared his perspective, "To make the most of AI, you need to learn how to ask the right questions, as that is the key to obtaining accurate answers. Therefore, students should cultivate the ability to ask questions, as well as develop communication and problem-solving skills." The experiences shared by alumni not only provided students with a clearer understanding of career paths in chemistry but also strengthened the connections between faculty, students, and alumni, showcasing the strong sense of community within the Department of Chemistry at NSYSU.
Poster Treasure Hunt—A Blend of Fun and Knowledge
To add an element of fun and interaction, the event featured a specially designed "Poster Treasure Hunt," which attracted enthusiastic participation from many students. Participants followed clues provided by the organizers to search for specific key information across the various poster displays. This game not only deepened attendees' understanding of the research content but also enlivened the atmosphere of the event. Those who completed the treasure hunt were rewarded with attractive prizes, making it one of the standout highlights of the day.
Fostering Academic Exchange and Strengthening the Bond of Chemistry
此次「化學日」活動不僅為學生提供了展示自我與實踐科學溝通的機會,也為師生與校友之間搭建了交流與合作的平台。系主任謝淑貞教授表示:「化學日展現了我們系學生的研究實力與創意,並見證了校友們在各領域的傑出表現。我們希望藉由這個活動,持續鞏固系所的向心力,為未來的化學教育與研究注入更多動力。」主辦陳軍互教授及梁子輝助理教授表示:「我們舉辦化學日已經到第五屆,特別感謝邱政超副教授支援。這次還特別邀請到國立中山大學附屬國光高級中學鍾昀澄老師帶領33位高中生參加我們的活動,藉由參觀實驗室以及壁報展,讓他們更進一步了解到我們化學系上的各研究領域,希望未來能夠吸引他們往科研方向發展。」理學院院長李志聰教授表示: 「化學日展現學生創意與研究潛力,是高中生、大學生、研究生、老師與系友交流的平台,亦凝聚師生向心力,並讓學生更了解化學領域的發展與趨勢。」 活動最後在晚宴與抽獎愉快的氣氛中圓滿落幕。