/ 師資陣容 /


/ 學歷 Education /


/ 經歷Experience /

國立東華大學化學所 教授
國立中山大學化學系 教授
國立中山大學化學系 副教授
Metal Complexes of Thiophene contained Schiff Bases:
Their Reactions, Structure, Reactions, and Their Electrochemical Behavior.

/ 著作Works /

1. C. S. Lee, R. R. Zhuang, S. Sabiah, J. C. Wang, W. S. Hwang,* I. J. B. Lin, Size-Selective Vapochromic Platinum(II) Complex with a StericallyDemanding Pincer-Type N-Heterocyclic Carbene Ligand, Organometallics, 2011,30, 3897. (SCI)
2. S. Sabiah, Chen-Shiang Lee, Wen-Shu Hwang* and Ivan J. B. Lin, Facile C-N bond cleavage promoted by cuprous oxide: Formation of C-C coupled bi-imidazole from its methylene bridged congener, Organometallics, 2010, 29, 290. (SCI)
3. C. S. Lee, S. Sabiah, J. C. Wang, W. S. Hwang, I. J. B. Lin, Water-induced Changes of Photoluminescence of a Pincer-Type N-Heterocyclic Carbene Pt(II) Complex, Organometallics, 2010, 29, 286. (SCI)

/ 專利Patents /