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美國蒙大拿州州立大學化學博士-分析化學 (1988-1991)
美國蒙大拿州州立大學化學碩士-有機地球化學 (1985-1988)
國立中興大學化學學士 (1977-1981)

/ 經歷Experience /

國立中山大學化學系教授 (1998-迄今)
國立中山大學化學系副教授 (1991-1998)
美國加州大學洛杉磯分校化學及生化學系訪問教授 (2004-2005)
美國蒙大拿州州立大學化學及生化學系訪問副教授 (1995-1996)
美國賓州州立大學材料科學系博士後研究 (1991-1991)
國立中山大學毒藥物暨生醫快篩科技研究中心主任 (2018-迄今)
國立中山大學科技醫學研究中心主任 (2011-2012)
國立中山大學跨領域科學研究中心主任 (2009-2011)
國立中山大學理學院副院長 (2009-2011)
世界質譜基金會執行理事兼執行祕書 (2014-2015)
世界質譜基金會 Curt Brunnée Award Committee主席 (2013-2014)
世界質譜基金會 Thomson Medal Award Committee 主席 (2011-2012)
世界質譜基金會執行理事兼亞太區代表 (2009-2016)
行政院公共工程委員 (2009-迄今)
台灣質譜學會理事長 (2009-2012)
國科會自然處諮議委員 (2010-2012)
國科會自然處諮議委員 (2003-2005)
國科會自然處審議委員 (2000-2002)
Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. (Wiley),專刊編輯委員 (2019-2020)
J. Food Drug Anal. (Elsevier),專刊編輯委員 (2018-2019)
Mass Spectrom. (Wiley),專刊編輯委員 (2013-2014 & 2016-2017)
Clin. Chim. Acta. (Elsevier),專刊編輯委員 (2012-2013)
J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. (Springer),編輯委員 (2017-迄今)
Clin. Mass Spectrom. (Elsevier),諮詢委員會成員 (2016-迄今)
Technology (World Scientific Publishing Company),編輯委員 (2013-迄今)
Mass Spectrom. (Wiley),編輯委員 (2012-迄今)
Current Chromatogr. (Bentham Science),編輯委員 (2012-迄今)
Int. J. Mass spectrom. (Elsevier),諮詢委員會成員 (2012-迄今)
Mass Spectrom. Let. (KSMS),編輯委員 (2011-2013)
Anal. Methods (RSC),編輯委員 (2013-迄今)
Anal. Methods (RSC),副主編 (2009-2012)
傑出研究獎,行政院科技部 (2020)
未來科技突破獎,行政院科技部 (2019)
台灣質譜學會獎章,台灣質譜學會 (TSMS) (2019)
化學最佳論文獎,中國化學會 (2018)
未來科技突破獎,行政院科技部 (2017)
傑出技術移轉貢獻獎,行政院科技部 (2016)
儀器精品獎,第八屆高雄國際儀器展 (2015)
傑出論文審查人獎,美國質譜學會 (ASMS) (2013)
優秀質譜研究學者獎,台灣質譜學會 (TSMS) (2013)
有庠科技發明獎,遠東財團法人徐有庠先生紀念基金會 (2012)
化學技術獎章,中國化學年會 (2011)
國家創作發明獎,行政院經濟部 (2010)
英國皇家化學會會士 (FRSC),英國化學會 (2010-迄今)
會議壁報論文首獎,世界人類蛋白質體會議 (HUPO) (2006)
最佳碩士論文獎,美國蒙大拿州州立大學 (1988)
1.低溫大氣壓游離法 (Low Temperature Ionization)
2. 直接電噴灑游離探針 (Direct Electrospray Probe, DEP)
3.瞬間熱裂解 (Pyrolysis, Py) 結合融合微滴電噴灑游離法 (Fused-droplet electrospray ionization, FD-ESI)
4.電噴灑輔助雷射脫附游離法 (Electrospray-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization, ELDI)
5.薄層層析法 (Thin Layer Chromatography, TLC) 結合電噴灑輔助雷射脫附游離法 (Electrospray-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization, ELDI)
6.雷射誘導聲波脫附 (Laser-Induced Acoustic Desorption, LIAD) 結合融合微滴電噴灑游離法 (Fused-Droplet Electrospray Ionization, FD-ESI)
7.熱脫附電噴灑游離質譜法 (Thermal Desorption Electrospray Ionization, TD-ESI)
8.雙電噴灑及大氣壓化學游離法 (Dual Electrospray and Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization)
9.火焰誘導大氣壓化學游離法 (Flame-Induced Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization, FAPCI)
10.多通道電噴灑游離法 (Multiple Channel Electrospray Ionization)
11.旋轉式電噴灑游離法 (Rotating Electrospray Ionization, RESI)
12.鋸齒狀薄層層析法結合電噴灑游離質譜法 (Sawtooth TLC-ESI/MS)
13.微固相萃結合電灑游離質譜法取法 (Solid Phase Microextraction-Thermal-Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry, SPME-TD-ESI/MS)

/ 著作Works /

1. Cho, Y. T.; Su, H.; Huang, T. L.; Chen, H. C.; Wu, W. J.; Wu, P. C.; Wu, D. C. ; Shiea, J., “Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption Ionization/time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry for Clinical Diagnosis” Clin. Chim. Acta 2013, 415, 266-275. (Invited Review Article, Citation: 42)
2. Cheng, S.C.; Huang, M. Z.; Shiea, J., “Thin Layer Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry” J. Chromatogr. A, 2011, 1218, 2700-2711. (Invited Review Article, Citation: 104)
3. Huang, M. Z.; Cho, Y. T.; Cheng, S. C.; Shiea, J., “Ambient Ionization Mass Spectrometry – A Tutorial” Anal. Chim. Acta 2011, 702, 1-15. (Invited Review Article, Citation: 257)
4. Huang, M. Z.; Yuan, C. H.; Cheng, S. C.; Cho, Y. T.; Shiea, J., “Ambient Ionization Mass Spectrometry” Annual Review Analytical Chemistry, 2010, 3, 43-65. (Citation: 252)
5. Shiea, J.; Huang, M. Z.; Hsu, H. J.; Lee, C. Y.; Yuan, C. H.; Beech, I.; Sunner, J., Electrospray-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry for direct ambient analysis of solids. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2005, 19(24), 3701-3704. (Citation: 478)
6. Chang, D. Y.; Lee, C. C.; Shiea, J., Detecting Large Biomolecules from High-salt Solutions by Fused-droplet Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry. Anal. Chem. 2002, 74(11), 2465-2469. (Citation: 131)
7. Yuan, C. H.; Shiea, J., Sequential Electrospray Analysis Using Sharp-tip Channels Fabricated on a Plastic Chip. Anal. Chem. 2001, 73(6), 1080-1083. (Citation: 142)
8. Shiea, J.; Shimma S.; Lai, C. C., A Special Issue for 2018 Mass Spectrometry for Clinical Diagnosis. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2020, doi: 10.1002/rcm.8702.
9. Su, H.; Lin, J. Y.; Shiea, J., “In-situ Detection of Chemical Compounds Using Ambient Ionization Mass Spectrometry”. 2019, 57, 42-51.
10. Shiea, J., A Special Issue for 2017 Mass Spectrometry for Clinical Diagnosis. J. Food Drug Anal. (Taiwan). 2019, 27, 375-614.
11. Cheng, S.; Shiea, J., “Rapid Characterization of toxic compounds with Ambient Mass Spectrometric system”. SciTech Reports., 2018.
12. Liao, P. C; Shiea, J., A Special Issue for The 13th Annual Conference of the Taiwan Society for Mass Spectrometry. Mass Spectrom. (Tokyo) . 2017, 6(2): K0010.
13. Cheng, S.; Su, H.; Lee, R. H.; Cai, Y. D.; Lee, C. W.; Shiea, J., “Rapid Characterization of Pesticides and Drugs in Biofluids and on Solid Samples with Thermal Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry”. Taiwan I. Forensic Medicine, 2016, 8(2), 28-41.
14. Cheng, S.; Shiea, J., “Interfacing TLC with Laser-Based Ambient Mass Spectrometry”. Planar. Chromatogr. Mass Spectrom., 2015, 110, 105-118.
15. Su, H.; Shiea, J., “Laser-Based Molecular Imaging Mass Spectrometry ”. Instrum. Today, 2015, 203, 7-16.
16. Huang, M. Z.; Jhang, S. S.; Shiea, J., “Electrospray Laser Desorption Ionization (ELDI) Mass Spectrometry for Molecular Imaging of Small Molecules on Tissues”. Mass Spectrom. Imaging of Small Molecules, 2015, 1203, 107-116.
17. Cho, Y. T.; Su, H.; Wu, W. J.; Wu, D. C.; Hou, M. F.; Kuo, C. H.; Shiea, J., “Biomarker Characterization by MALDI-TOF/MS”. Adv. Clin. Chem. 2015, 69, 209-254.
18. Huang, M. Z.; Jhang, S. S.; Chan, Y. T.; Cheng, S. C.; Cheng, C. N.; Shiea, J., “Electrospray Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry”. Ambient Ionization Mass Spectrom., 2014, 372-388.
19. Cheng, S.; Shiea, J., “Advanced Spectroscopic Detectors for Identification and Quantification: Mass Spectrometry”. Instrum. Thin-Layer Chromatogr., 2014, 249-278.
20. Li, L. J.; Liao, P. C.; Shiea, J., Mass Spectrometry for Clinical Diagnosis Preface. Clin. Chim. Acta 2013, 420, 1-3.
21. Shiea, J.; Chou, C. C.; “Mobile Ambient Mass Spectroscopy” Instrum. Today, 2012, 187, 3-9.
22. Cheng, C. N.; Lai, J. H.; Huang, M. Z.; Oung, J. N.; Shiea, J.; “Analysis of Polar Components in Crude Oil by Ambient Mass Spectrometry” in “Crude Oil Emulsions – Composition Stability and Characterization” (ed. M. El-Sayed Abdul-Raouf). Intech, 2012, 6, 107-120.
23. Jeng, J. Y., Jiang, Z. H., Cho, Y. T., Su, H., Lee, C. W., Shiea, J.; Obtaining Molecular Imagings of Pesticide Residues on Strawberry Surfaces with Probe Sampling Followed by Ambient Ionization Mass Spectrometric Analysis. J. Mass Spec. 2020, doi: 10.1002/jms.4644. (Special issue)
24. Wang, Y. L.; Jin, Q.; Shiea, J.; Sun, W. J.; Wire Desorption Combined With Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry: Direct Analysis of Small Organic and Large Biological Compounds. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 2020, doi: 10.1021/jasms.0c00107.
25. Chan, H. C.; Chan, H. C.; Liang, H. J.; Lee, H. C.; Su, H.; Lee, A. S.; Shiea, J.; Tsai, W. C.; Ou, T. T.; Wu, C. C.; Chu, C. S.; Dixon, R. A.; Ke, L. Y.; Yen, J. H.; Chen, C. H., Role of Low-density Lipoprotein in Early Vascular Aging Associated With Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2020, doi: 10.1002/art.41213
26. Wang, C. H.; Su, H.; Chou, J. H.; Lin, J. Y.; Huang, M. Z.; Lee, C. W.; Shiea, J., Multiple Solid Phase Microextraction Combined with Ambient Mass Spectrometry for Rapid and Sensitive Detection of Trace Chemical Compounds in Aqueous Solution. Anal. Chim. Acta 2020, 1107, 101-106.
27. Su, H.; Yeh, I. J.; Wu, Y. H.; J, Z. H.; Shiea, J.; Lee, C. W., Rapid identification of organophosphorus pesticides on contaminated skin and confirmation of adequate decontamination by ambient mass spectrometry in emergency settings. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2020, doi: 10.1002/rcm.8562. (Special issue)
28. Su, H.; Huang, Y. J.; Huang, M. Z.; Lee, Y. T.; Chen, S. C.; Hung, C. H.; Kuo, C. H.; Wu, M. T.; Shiea, J., Using Ambient Mass Spectrometry to Explore the Origins of Phthalate Contamination in a Mass Spectrometry Laboratory. Anal. Chim. Acta 2020, 1105, 128-138.
29. Cheng, S. C.; Lee, R. H.; Jeng, J. Y.; Lee, C. W.; Shiea, J., Fast screening of trace multiresidue pesticides on fruit and vegetable surfaces using ambient ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Anal. Chim. Acta 2020, 1102, 63-71.
30. Shiea, J.; Bhat, S. M.; Su, H.; Ponnusamy, V. K.; Lee, C. W.; Wang, C. H., Rapid Quantification of Acetaminophen in Plasma Using Solid Phase Microextraction Coupled with Thermal Desorption-Electrospray Ionization/Mass Spectrometry. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2020, doi: 10.1002/rcm.8564. (Special issue)
31. Su, H.; Lin Y. P.; Yang, S. C.; Kuo, C. H.; Wu, D. C.; Shiea, J.; Lee, C. W., Rapid detection of non-volatile household pesticides in drained gastric juice by ambient mass spectrometry for emergency management. Anal. Chim. Acta 2019, 1066, 69-78.
32. Sambandan, E.; Kathavarayan, T.; Sellappan, S.; Shiea, J.; Ponnusamy, V. K., Identification and characterization of unknown degradation impurities in beclomethasone dipropionate cream formulation using HPLC, ESI-MS and NMR. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 2019, 167, 123-131.
33. Cheng, S. C.; Tsai, Y. D.; Lee, C. W.; Chen, B. H.; Shiea, J., Direct and Rapid Characterization of Illicit Drugs in Adulterated Samples Using Thermal Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry. J. Food Drug Anal. 2019, 27, 451-459. (Special issue)
34. Su, H.; Liu, K. T.; Chen, B. H.; Lin, Y. P.; Jiang, Y. M.; Tsai, Y. H.; Chang, F. R.; Shiea, J.; Lee, C. W., Rapid Identification of Herbal Toxins Using Electrospray Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Emergency Care. J. Food Drug Anal. 2019, 27, 415-427. (Cover image of special issue)
35. Cheng, S. C.; Bhat, S. M.; Lee, C. W.; Shiea, J., Simple Interface for Scanning Chemical Compounds on Developed Thin Layer Chromatography Plates Using Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry. Anal. Chim. Acta 2019, 1049, 1-9.

/ 專利Patents /