/ 師資陣容 /


/ 學歷 Education /

美國德州工大學博士 (1982)
輔仁大學理學士 (1977)

/ 經歷Experience /

退休 (2007)
國立中山大學副教授 (1982)


/ 著作Works /

1. Ou, J.-C.; Hong, Y.-L.; Yen, F.-S.; Hong, J-L.; “Cyanated Liquid Crystals with trans-stilbene Structure: Syntheses and Their Cyclotrimerization” J. Polymer Science, 1995, 33, 313.

2. Lin, Y.-R.; Hong, Y.-L., Hong; J.-L. “Conjugated Schiff’s Bases-synthesis and Preliminary Characterization of 4-(Alkoxycinnamylidene)-4′-Nitroanilines” Mol. Crtst. Liq.Cryst., 1994, 241, 69.

3. Wang,Y-H; Hong, Y.-L.; Hong, J.-L. “Liquid Crystalline Schiff bases with cyanate terminals” Polymer, 1993, 34, 1970.

4. Sheu,J.-H.; Chen,Y.-K.; Hong, Y.-L. “Efficient Syntheses of Yuehchukeue and b-(Dehydroprenyl) indol” J. Org. Chem.; 1993, 58, 5784.

5. Wang, Y. H.,Hong, Y.L.; Hong, J. H. “Cure Kinetics of a Flexible Aromatic Dicyanate with Schiff Base Structure” J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 1995,58,1585.

6. Chih-Hsiung Lin, Yen-Long Hong, Fu-Shan Yen and Jin-Long Hong, The Role of Hydrogen Bonding on a Hydroxylated Liquid Crystal, bis-[4-(5-hydoxypentyloxy-carbonyl)phenylene] Terephalate, Liquid Crystals 21 (5), 609 (1996).

7. Ying- Hung Wang; Yen-Long Hong; Fu-Shan Yen and Jin-Long Hong, Trisubstituted s-Triazine Derived from Cyanated Schiff-Base, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 287, 109 (1996).

8. Lo, W. J.;Hong, Y. L,; Lin, R. H.; Hong, J.L. “Trisubstituted s-Trianzinesas Mespgenic Cores” Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst, 1997.

/ 專利Patents /