/ 師資陣容 /


/ 學歷 Education /

英國牛津大學化學系博士 (2009-2013)
英國牛津大學化學系碩士 (2004-2008)

/ 經歷Experience /

國立中山大學 化學系助理教授 (2014/02起)
林渝亞老師從小就有很多元的興趣,一些因緣際會下成為了一個小留學生。在英國接受教育時受到了高中化學老師的啟發,因此決定在大學繼續精進化學。她在英國牛津大學完成了學碩及博士的訓練後,在2014年選擇了到中山化學任教,她在博士班的研究題目“olefin metathesis於蛋白質表面修飾的開發及應用”也啟發了她目前在有機生物合成、胜肽合成及藥物開發等領域的研究興趣
國立中山大學理學院教學績優獎 (2017)
國立中山大學優良導師 (2015)
JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship (short-term) for Foreign Researchers (2011)
EPSRC Doctoral Training Award (2009)

/ 著作Works /

1. Jiang, S.-Y.; Hsieh, W.-T.; Chen, W.-S.; Liao, J.-S.; Chiang, P.-Y.; Lin, Y. A.*, Synthesis of Thiol‐Containing Oligopeptides via Tandem Activation of γ‐Thiolactones by Silver‐DABCO Pair. Asian J. Org. Chem. 2020, 9, 1638-1649.
2. Bhushan, B.; Lin, Y. A.; Bak, M.; Phanumartwiwath, A.; Yang, N.; Bilyard, M. K.; Tanaka, T.; Hudson, K. L.; Lercher, L.; Stegmann, M.; Mohammed, S.; Davis, B. G.*, Genetic Incorporation of Olefin Cross-Metathesis Reaction Tags for Protein Modification. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 14599-14603.
3. Huang, K.-J.; Huang, Y.-C.; Lin, Y. A.*, Synthesis of Histidine-Containing Oligopeptides via Histidine-Promoted Peptide Ligation. Chem. Asian J. 2018, 13, 400-403.
4. Lin, Y. A.; Davis, B. G.*, Vignette: Extending the Application of Metathesis in Chemical Biology – The Development of Site-Selective Peptide and Protein Modifications. Handbook of Metathesis (ISBN: 9783527334247). Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. Mar, 2015: 295-309.
5. Lin, Y. A.; Boutureira, O.; Lercher, L.; Bhushan, B.; Paton, R. S.; Davis, B. G.*, Rapid Cross Metathesis for Reversible Protein Modifications via Chemical Access to Se-Allyl Selenocysteine in Proteins. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 12156-12159.
6. Lin, Y. A.; Davis, B. G.*, The Allylic Chalcogen Effect in Olefin Metathesis. Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2010, 6, 1219-1228.
7. Lin, Y. A.; Chalker, J. M.; Davis, B. G.*, Olefin Cross-Metathesis on Proteins: Investigation of Allylic Chalcogen Effects and Guiding Principles in Metathesis Partner Selection. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 16805-16811.
8. Lin, Y. A.; Chalker, J. M.; Davis, B. G.*, Olefin Metathesis for Site-Selective Protein Modification. ChemBioChem 2009, 10, 959-969.
9. Chalker, J. M.; Bernardes, G. J. L.; Lin, Y. A.; Davis, B. G.*, Chemical Modification of Proteins at Cysteine: Opportunities in Chemistry and Biology. Chem. Asian J. 2009, 4, 630-640.
10. Chalker, J. M.; Lin, Y. A.; Boutureira, O.; Davis, B. G.*, Enabling olefin metathesis on proteins: chemical methods for installation of S-allyl cysteine. Chem. Commun. 2009, 3714-3716.
11. Lin, Y. A.; Chalker, J. M.; Floyd, N.; Bernardes, G. J. L.; Davis, B. G.*, Allyl Sulfides Are Privileged Substrates in Aqueous Cross-Metathesis: Application to Site-Selective Protein Modification. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 9642-9643.

/ 專利Patents /