/ 師資陣容 /


/ 學歷 Education /

美國俄亥俄州立大學博士 (1988)
國立台灣大學碩士 (1980)
國立清華大學學士 (1978)

/ 經歷Experience /

國立中山大學化學系副教授 (1991)
國立中國醫藥研究所客座副研究員 (1989)
國立陽明大學副教授 (1989)
芝加哥大學博士後研究 (1989)




/ 著作Works /

Y.-S. Cheng and C.-S. Lee (1981) “Composition of Leaf Essential Oils from Ten Citrus Species” Pro. Natl. Sci, Counc. B. (R.O.C.) 1981, 5(3), 278-283.

Y.-S. Cheng, C.-S. Lee, C.-T. Chou and C.-C Chang. (1985) “The Chemical Constituents of the Peel of Citrus Species” J. Chin. Chem. Soc. (Taipei) 1985, 32 (1), 85-88 (Eng).

D.J. Hart, C.-S. Lee, W.H. Pirkle, M.H. Hyun and A. Tsipouras (1986) “Asymmetric Synthesis of Lactams and the Carbapenem Antibiotic (+)-PS-5” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1986, 108, 6054-6056.

W.H. Pirkle, A. Tsipouras, M.H. Hyun, D.J. Hart and C.-S. Lee (1986) “Use of Chiral Stationary Phases for the Chromatographic Determination of Enantiomeric Purity and Absolute Configuration of some Lactams” J. Chromatography 1986, 358, 377-384.

D.-C. Ha, D.J. Hart, C.-S. Lee, S. Ramesh and S. Wu (1989) “Acylamino Radical Cyclizations: Applications to the Synthesis of a Tetracyclic Substructure of Gelsemine” J. Org. Chem. 1989, 54, 279-290.

J.D. Winkler, C.-S. Lee, L. Rubo, C.L. Muller, P.J. Squattrito (1989) “Stereoselective Synthesis of Tricyclic Skeleton of the Taxane Diterpenes. The First C-Silylation of a Ketone Enolate” J. Org. Chem. 1989, 54, 4491-4493.

C.-S. Lee (1992) “Development and Syntheses on Lactam Antibiotics” The Chinese Chem. Soc. 1992, 50, 70-76.

L. Chen, C.-S. Lee and M.-J. Su (1993) “Comparison of the Electrophysiological Effects of S49, CSH087 and CSH068 in Rat Ventricular Cells” Pro. Natl. Sci Counc. B. (R.O.C.) 1993 17, 48-56

C.-S. Lee and H.-H. Chen (1993) “Enantioselective Synthesis of Lactam Carried C(3) Functionality via Ester Enolate-Imine Condensation” J. of Chinese Chem. Soc. 1993, 40, 169-174.

H.-H. Chen, C.-S. Lee, S.-C. Tsai and C.F. Chen (1993) “Synthesis and Cytostatic Evaluation of Tetrahydrobenzylisoquinolines and Protoberberines” The Chinese Pharmaceutical J. 1993, 45, 519-525.

C.-S. Lee and H.-H. Chen (1993) “Determination of Enantiomeric Purity and Absolute Configuration of Lactams by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography on Chiral Columns.” J. of Chinese Chem. Soc. 1994, 41, 187-190.

D. Kuzmich, S.C. Wu, D.-C. Ha, C.-S. Lee, S. R. Ramesh, S. A. Atarashi, J.-K. Choi and D. J. Hart “Total Synthesis of dl-21-Oxogelsemine” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1994, 116, 6943-6944.

M.J. Su, P.J. Liu, C.D. Tseng, Y.Z. Tseng and C.-S. Lee “Comparison of the Pharmacologic Action of two Isoquinoline Alkaloids on Rat Cardiac Tissue” J Formos Med. Assoc. 1994, 93, 673-680.

J.H. Guh, F.N. Ko, C.-S. Lee and C.M. Tseng “SH72–A Specific Antagonist of Platelet-Activating Factor in Rabbit Platelets” Pharmaceutical Sci. 1995, 525-529.

J.F. Chi, S.H. Chu, C.-S. Lee, N.K. Chou and M.J. Su “Mechanical and Electrophysiological Effects of 8-Oxoberberine (JKL1073A) on Atrial Tissue” British J. Pharmacol. 1996, 118, 503-512.

L. Chen, C.-S. Lee, M.J. Su “Mode of inhibition of transient outward current by 1-benzyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline in rat ventricular cells.” J. Biomedical Science, 1996, 3, 211-220.

S. Atarashi, J.K. Choi, D.C. Ha, D.J. Hart, D. Kuzmich, C.-S. Lee, S. Ramesh and S.C. Wu “Free Radical Cyclization in Alkaloids Total Synthesis: (±) Gelsemine” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1997, 119, 6226-6241.

J.F. Chi, S.H. Chu, C.-S. Lee and M.J. Su “Effect of 8-oxoberberine on sodium current in rat ventricular and humnan atrial myocytes” Can. J. Cardiol 1998, 13, 1103-1110.

Lee, C.-S.; Liu, C.K.; Chiang, Y.L. and Cheng, Y.Y. “One-pot reductive-cyclization as key step for the synthesis of rutaecarpine alkaloids” Tetrahedron Letters 2008, 49, 481-484.

Lee, C.-S.; Liu, C. K.; Cheng, Y. Y. and Teng C. M. “A new and facile synthesis of rutaecarpine alkaloids” Heterocycles, 2009, 78, 1047-1056.

Lee, C.-S.; Yu, T.C., Luo; J.W., Cheng;Y.Y. and Chuang, C.-P. “Radical-initiated cyclization as a key step for the synthesis of oxoprotoberberine alkaloids” Tetrahedron Letters 2009, 50, 4556-4560.

Lin, Z. Y.; Chen, Y. L.; Lee, C.-S. and Chuang, C.-P. “Metal Salt Mediated Radical Reactions of 2-Substituted-1, 4-Naphthoquinones” Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2010, 3876–3882

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