/ 師資陣容 /


/ 學歷 Education /

英國牛津大學化學系博士 (2006-2010)
中央研究院原子與分子研究所研究助理/國防訓儲役 (2002-2006)
國立台灣大學化學系碩士 (2000-2002)
國立台灣大學化學系學士 (1996-2000)

/ 經歷Experience /

國立中山大學化學系助理教授 (2017-current)
中央研究院原子與分子研究所特殊性約聘技術人員 (2015-2017)
德國自由電子雷射中心博士後研究 (2011-2014)

/ 著作Works /

1. “Giant Zeeman Splitting in Monolayer Nanosheets at Room Temperature”, Li, Chi ; Hsu, Sheng-Chih ; Lin, Jun-Xiao ; Chen, Jou-Yun ; Chuang, Kai-Chun ; Chang, Yuan-Pin; Hsu, Hua-Shu; Chen, Ching-Hsiang; Lin, Tien-Sung; Liu, Yi-Hsin*; J. Am. Chem. Soc. accepted (2020)
2. “Halogen-related Photodissociation in Atmosphere: Characterization of Atomic Halogen, Molecular Halogen, and Hydrogen Halide”, King-Chuen Lin,* Balaganesh Muthiah, Hsiu-Pu Chang, Toshio Kasaia, and Yuan-Pin Chang, Int. Rev. Phys. Chem. 40(1), 2021 (2020).
3. “揭開大氣活潑分子克里奇中間體的神秘面紗”, Yuan-Pin Chang*, 化學 ; 77卷2期 (2019 / 06 / 01) , P135 – 139.
4. “Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Dots from Averrhoa carambola Fruit Extract as a Fluorescent Probe for Methyl Orange”, Muhammad Zulfajri, Sandhiya Dayalan, Wang-Yu Li, Chia-Jung Chang, Yuan-Pin Chang and Genin Gary Huang* , Sensors 19(22), 5008, (2019).
5. “Cranberry Beans Derived Carbon Dots as a Potential Fluorescence Sensor for Selective Detection of Fe3+ Ions in Aqueous Solution”, Muhammad Zulfajri, Gangaraju Gedda, Chia-Jung Chang, Yuan-Pin Chang and Genin Gary Huang*, ACS Omega (2019).
6. “Temperature-dependent Rate Coefficient for the Reaction of CH3SH with the Simplest Criegee intermediate”, Y.-L. Li, Y.-H. Lin, C. Yin, K. Takahashi*, C.-Y. Chiang, Y.-P. Chang*, J. J.-M. Lin, J. Phys. Chem. A, 123, 4096 (2019). – published as part of virtual special issue”Hanna Reisler Festschrift”.
7. “Absolute Infrared Absorption Cross Section of the Simplest Criegee Intermediate Near 1285.7 cm-1”, Y.-P. Chang*, Y.-L. Li, M.-L. Liu, T.-C. Ou, J. J.-M. Lin, J. Phys. Chem. A, 122, 8874 (2018).
8. “Kinetics of the simplest Criegee intermediate reaction with ozone studied by mid-infrared quantum cascade laser spectrometer “, Y.-P. Chang*, H.-H. Chang, J. J.-M. Lin, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20, 97 (2018). (2017 Hot articles)
9. “High resolution quantum cascade laser spectroscopy of the simplest Criegee intermediate, CH2OO, between 1273 cm-1 and 1290 cm-1”, Y.-P. Chang*, A. J. Merer*, H.-H. Chang, L.-J. Jhang, W. Chao, J. J.-M. Lin, J. Chem. Phys. 146, 244302 (2017).
10. “Absolute UV absorption cross sections of dimethyl substituted Criegee intermediate (CH3)2COO”, Y.-P. Chang*, C.-H. Chang, K. Takahashi, J. J.-M. Lin, Chem. Phys. Lett. 653, 155 (2016).
11. “Spatially-controlled complex molecules and their applications”, Y.-P. Chang, D. A. Horke, S. Trippel and J. Küpper*, Int. Rev. Phys. Chem. 34, 557 (2015).
12. “Separating para and ortho water”, D. A. Horke, Y.-P. Chang, K. Długołęcki, J. Küpper*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 53, 1 (2014).
13. “Chemical reactions of conformationally selected 3-aminophenol molecules in a beam with Coulomb-crystallized Ca+ ions”, D. Rösch, S. Willitsch, Y.-P. Chang, J. Küpper*, J. Chem. Phys. 140, 124202 (2014).
14. “The collisional depolarization of OH(A 2Σ+) and NO(A 2Σ+) with Kr”, H. Chadwick, M. Brouard, Y.-P. Chang, C. J. Eyles, G. McCrudden, T. Perkins, S. A. Seamons, J. Kłos, M. H. Alexander, P. J. Dagdigian, D. Herráez-Aguilar, and F. J. Aoiz, J. Chem. Phys., 140, 054306 (2014).
15. “Spatially separated polar samples of the cis and trans conformers of 3-fluorophenol”, T. Kierspel, D. A. Horke, Y.-P. Chang and J. Küpper, Chem. Phys. Lett. 591, 130 (2014).
16. “CMIstark: Python package for the Stark-effect calculation and symmetry classification of linear, symmetric and asymmetric top wavefunctions in dc electric fields”, Y.-P. Chang, F. Filsinger, B. G. Sartakov, J. Küpper, Comput. Phys. Commun. 185, 339-349 (2014).
17. “Spatial separation of molecular conformers and clusters”, D. A. Horke, S. Trippel, Y.-P. Chang, S. Stern, T. Mullins, T. Kierspel and J. Küpper, J. Vis. Exp., 83, e51137 (2014).
18. “Specific Chemical Reactivities of Spatially Separated 3-Aminophenol Conformers with Cold Ca+ Ions”, Y.-P. Chang, K. Długołęcki, J. Küpper, D. Rösch, D. Wild and S. Willitsch, Science 342, 98-101 (2013).
19. “Gas-phase photodissociation of CH3COCN at 308 nm by time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy”, Y.-Y. Yeh, M.-H. Chao, P.-Y. Tsai, Y.-B. Chang, M.-T. Tsai and K.-C. Lin, J. Chem. Phys. 136, 044302 (2012).
20. “Spatial separation of state- and size-selected neutral clusters”, S. Trippel, Y.-P. Chang, S. Stern, T. Mullins, L. Holmegaard, J. Küpper, Phys. Rev. A 86, 033202 (2012).
21. “A new potential energy surface for OH(A 2Σ+)-Kr: the van der Waals complex and inelastic scattering”, H. Chadwick, M. Brouard, Y.-P. Chang, C. J. Eyles, T. Perkins, S. A. Seamons, J. Kłos, M. H. Alexander and F. J. Aoiz, J. Chem. Phys. 137, 154305 (2012).
22. “The hyperfine structure of NO(A 2Σ+)”, M. Brouard, C. Chadwick, Y.-P. Chang, B. J. Howard, S. Marinakis, N. Screen, S. Seamons, A. LaVia, J. Mol. Spec. 282, 42-49 (2012).
23. “Br2 molecular elimination in photolysis of (COBr)2 at 248 nm by using cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy: a photodissociation channel being ignored”, C.-C. Wu, H.-C. Lin, Y.-B. Chang, P.-Y. Tsai, Y.-Y. Yeh, H. Fan, K.-C. Lin and J. S. Francisco, J. Chem. Phys. 135, 234308 (2011).
24. “Collisional angular momentum depolarization of OH(A) and NO(A) by Ar: a comparison of mechanisms”, M. Brouard, H. Chadwick, Y.-P. Chang, C. J. Eyles, F. J. Aoiz and J. Kłos, J. Chem. Phys. 135, 084306 (2011).
25. “Molecular photofragment orientation in the photodissociation of H2O2 at 193 nm and 248 nm”, Y.-P. Chang, M. Brouard, R. Cireasa, T. Perkins, and S. A. Seamons, Phy. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13, 8213-8229 (2011).
26. “Elastic depolarization of OH(A) by He and Ar: a comparative study”, M. L. Costen, R. Livingstone, K. G. McKendrick, G. Paterson, M. Brouard, H. Chadwick, Y.-P. Chang, C. J. Eyles, F. J. Aoiz, and J. Kłos, J. Phys. Chem. A 113, 15156 – 15170 (2009).
27. “Applications of Zeeman quantum beat spectroscopy to angular momentum polarization studies”, M. Brouard, H. Chadwick, Y.-P. Chang, R. Cireasa, and C. J. Eyles, Phys. Scr. 80, 048120 (2009).
28. “Collisional depolarization of NO(A) by He and Ar studied by quantum beat spectroscopy”, M. Brouard, H. Chadwick, Y.-P. Chang, R. Cireasa, C. J. Eyles, A. O. La Via, N. Screen, F. J. Aoiz, and J. Kłos, J. Chem. Phys. 131, 104307 (2009).
29. “Collisional depolarization of OH(A) with Ar: Experiment and theory”, M. Brouard, A. Bryant, Y.-P. Chang, R. Cireasa, C. J. Eyles, A. M. Green, S. Marinakis, F. J. Aoiz, and J. Kłos, J. Chem. Phys. 130, 044306 (2009).
30. “Rotational and vibrational state distributions of NaH in the reactions of Na(4s,3d,6s) with H2: Insertion versus harpoon-type mechanisms”, Y.-P. Chang, M.-K. Hsiao, D.-K. Liu, and K.-C. Lin, J. Chem. Phys. 128, 234309 (2008). 31. “Photodissociation of 1,2-Dibromoethylene at 248 nm: Br2 Molecular Elimination Probed by Cavity Ring-Down Absorption Spectroscopy”, Y.-P. Chang, P.-C. Lee, K.-C. Lin, C.-H. Huang, B.-J. Sun, and A. H. H. Chang, ChemPhysChem 9, 1137 – 1145 (2008).
32. “Br2 molecular elimination in 248 nm photolysis of CHBr2Cl by using cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy”, P.-Y. Wei, Y.-P. Chang, Y.-S. Lee, W.-B. Lee, K.-C. Lin, K.-T. Chen, and A. H. H. Chang, J. Chem. Phys. 126, 034311 (2007).
33. “Photoinduced electron transfer in silylene-spaced copolymers having alternating donor-acceptor chromophores”, H.-W. Wang, Y.-J. Cheng, C.-H. Chen, T.-S. Lim, W Fann, C.-L. Lin, Y.-P. Chang, K.-C. Lin, , Macromolecules 40, 2666-2671 (2007).
34. “248 nm photolysis of CH2Br2 by using cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy: Br2 molecular elimination at room temperature”, P.-Y. Wei, Y.-P. Chang, W.-B. Lee, Z. Hu, H.-Y. Huang, K.-C. Lin, K.-T. Chen, and A. H. H. Chang, J. Chem. Phys. 125, 133319 (2006).

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