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EMI Program

About EMI Program of Department of Chemistry

Recently, domestic and foreign chemical-related companies have successively expanded and set up plants in Taiwan so the demand for high-end international talents has increased significantly. In response to the need of international chemistry talents, the department established EMI Program in the 2021/22 academic year, aiming to broaden students’ international perspectives,and to prepare students’ competitiveness in study and employment after graduation.

Degree Requirements

All courses and materials in this program are in English. All the requirements will follow the regulation of our bachelor students accordingly.

Why EMI Program of Department of Chemistry?
  1. Small-sized Class
    The design of small-sized program enhances students’ learning efficiency on chemistry profession. Students can get more attention from instructors, and also have more opportunities to participate in class discussion and activities.
  2. International Perspective
    The faculty of the program are experienced international chemistry talents. We encourage direct interaction between faculty and students through sharing their study, research, and work experience overseas.
  3. Benefit
    Scholarship for overseas study and internship and TOFEL class are provided.

Instruction on 2021 entrance exam

Introduction to the department of chemistry

Student's experience sharing as a member of the department of chemistry